Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Physical Experiments

I conducted several tests of the materials and process by stretching a piece of spandex fabric over the top of a 5 gallon pail. I then placed a piece of plywood across the top of the pail with two of the acrylic dowel form ties through it, supporting the fabric. The purpose of this test was to test if the spandex would contain the wet concrete mixture, how much the fabric would stretch, and if the acrylic dowel form tie system I developed would actually work.

Attempt #1

My first attempt was a failure, but a success in the fact that I was able to learn a lot from it. I initially secured the fabric to the pail with duct tape. Although the duct tape initially seemed secure, the fabric absorbed water like a wick and pulled it beneath the duct tape allowing the adhesion to slowly fail. This combined with an low water/concrete ratio (as I was afraid the spandex wouldn't contain a wet mixture- amazingly it does retain almost all the moisture) caused this test piece to crack.

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