Sunday, March 25, 2007

Vertical Suburb

Modular Housing defines the speed of an automobile consumed society. . .

The concept is to lift the two story suburban home, complete with yard and stack them vertically to create the condo tower. Exterior circulation links the units to the elevator core which is a vertical expressway.

Formal Studies

too ordered and rigid, but emerging ideas about stacking, so as the roof of the unit below forms an outdoor garden for the unit above.

Chaotic Order

The Cubic Module

Although appearing random an chaotic, there is an underlying order to the system. There is a sense of porosity at certain angles, where at other angles, the tower appears dense. Again, the roof of the unit below becomes a garden for the unit above.

CARchitecture- take two

Light/Shadow Studies

The negative space surrounding the interchange was removed to form a template for the projection of light/shadow onto varying surfaces which were captured on film.

The images capture the speed, fluidity and movement of the freeway interchange, and begin to read as potential interior spaces and circulation.


A museum that is designed around a society's dependency on the automobile.

Broadway Boogie Woogie by Piet Mondrian (1942-43)

Mondrian came to New York City after the beginning of World War II; and became fascinated with American Jazz Music, in particular the Boogie-Woogie.

Bands of stuttering pulses , paths of red, yellow, & Blue interrupted by light grey suggests the city grid and the syndicated movement of traffic to a jazz beat; while the staccato vibration of colour evokes the blinking lights of Broadway.

1. A PLACE where two roads meet; especially where one is a major junction.
2. ANY place of intersection or the ACT of intersecting.
3. Mathematics:
a) Also called MEET: the set of elements that two or more sets have in common
symbol: ∩
b) The greatest lower bound of two elements in a lattice


Intersection of PLACE
Intersection of MATERIALS
Intersection of PATHS
Intersection of MUSEUM + HOME

Orange County Boogie Woogie, The intersection or interchange of I-405 and Route 22 next to the site. Unlike the melodic, rhythmic stop- and -go traffic patterns of NYC characterized by Mondrian's Broadway Boogie Woogie, the suburban freeway culture of California is fluid.

How do we respond . . .

The CAR as fashion accessory
The CAR as a replacement for legs
The CAR defines identity

Early Sketch Models